
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Sunny White Wednesday

As I gather up my photos for this White Wednesday Post, I was getting the itch to start redecorating my bedroom. I want something less fluffy, but still pretty. I have an image in my head of how I want my room to look.  For now I will say goodbye to one of my most favorite chandeliers
Goodbye to my armoire...

Goodbye to the ribbon cane bench...

A goodbye to the prettiest rose swag carved vanity....

My first room, about 5 years ago...

My second room about 3 years ago....
My third room about 1 year ago....

I am in the process of redecorating my hopefully FINAL room. I don't know about you, but isn't there always something better out there? 

As you can see even Mello, is exhausted from all the activity that goes on around here!


  1. This is what is the best part of the business we are in. We can always change stuff up in our homes because we have an outlet to sell what we've decided to change! Beautiful pictures!

    Take care, Sue

  2. Sooo beautiful!!! I love all your whites!! But change is always good. Continually growing and learning is a way of life. I try so hard to embrace change because rarely do I ever have control over it, lol!! I look forward to your new room :))
    Have a wonderful day!!
    ~ Michella ~
    ~ ~ xo ~ ~

  3. I don't know Loretta is there anything better then what you have?
    I could only dream of having pieces like that.

  4. Your kidding....right??? Those pieces are so incredibly beautiful!! I don't even wish for such things!!! I'm sure you'll work it all out! The room is gorgeous!!

  5. Will these beautiful things go to a shop? If so where is your shop? They are wonderful. How lucky that you have enjoyed them.

  6. All of your rooms have been absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see how you redecorate this time! xx

  7. These are such beautiful pieces to part with, but that's part of the fun is getting new ideas and buying new treasures. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Take care,


  8. It's all beautiful-what wonderful taste and found treasures-love, love, love it!

  9. All the rooms are soooo beautiful..I can't wait to see what you do next!
    I'm a new follower!

  10. So, I've been sitting here oooing and awwwhhing over your home. Now you owe me a new computer. It has drool all over it! haha. In other words...I love your home!

  11. Oh, my goodness!! Your blog is beautiful! I love it!
    Thank you for sharing!

  12. Every room is more gorgeous than the last - love your current bedroon. I would probably be happy to just have Mello's bed. What a sweetie.
