
Friday, July 9, 2010

Garden Bug??

I don't know about you, but this weather in So Cal is so gloomy, and chilly! Where is our California sun? My garden is progressing slowly, and I still have to plant 120 boxwoods in the side garden (not looking foward to that). But before I do that, we decided to finally start a backyard remodel, so I have been looking on the web for inspiration.
I found these english looking gardens....
I really like the look of a formal garden separated by boxwood hedges

And I also like the look of paths that lead to somewhere, and although there is no formal hedge along the pathway, the country style of all the plants in no order at all is very appealing.

we will need a stone wall, but I want something that looks like old cobble, or stacked stone.
where do I find that?

Love the large stone steps.
By no means is my backyard very large, but if planned right I will try to create an old world feel, with secret garden qualities.
Off to work I go...............
Have a Wonderful Weekend!


  1. These are all very inspiring to me, too...just beautiful!! I LOVE that stacked stone wall! I've used pea gravel to create pathways and sitting areas in my country cottage/English style garden, too. I LOVE that look!
    It's HOT here in central California. I would love to swap weather with you...just for a day. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ Jo :)

  2. Totally gorgeous! I love the the first two the formal look AND the country-ish less formal.....hmmmmm.....what to do ~ what to do...:)


  3. Hi Loretta, I know your garden is going to be dreamy and fabulous , just like everything else you do! Christie

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