
Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Favorite Past Time.....

I don't get to do this very much.... Take a day off to smell the roses! After a long morning of shopping, I decided to take the rest of the day off. I went into the garden with cutting scissors in one hand and a basket in the other. When I started clipping, I had no idea, how fast I would fill up my basket. My hydrengeas were blooming like mad! Beautiful, so I had to show you my favorite ways to display them.
Welcome to my garden...
My favorite rose... the climbing eden
Next would be my favorite hydrengeas... love the pale pink and green colors
Below is the moonstone rose... These are not fully mature yet.
I believe this is my monaco? maybe not. It's been so long since I bought it...

I love statuary... Reminds me of english gardens... I got this fountain at Country Roads. favorite statue in my garden..The doves sitting on an urn of roses. This came from an estate in Brussels.

I love bringing fresh cut flowers inside the home...
My favorite type of vase are old trophy cups, and teapots....

Thanks for taking time with me to smell the pretty flowers..........
Happy Sunday!


  1. Hi Loretta, You garden looks beautiful! Glad you found time tim esmell your lovely roses:-) The photo of your table with the flowers and the reflections on the table is beautiful!

  2. Loretta, What a beautiful garden! I love the trophy vases. I have a couple of heavy old coffee servers from hotels and they remind me of your trophies. I also think that the dove piece from Brussels is exquiste! I could have sworn I signed up as a follower..I will check that next. Thanks for a beautiful evening "tour" Diana

  3. Everything is just beautiful, as always.
    Your garden is just lovely.
    Some of my favorite flower!

  4. Gorgeous roses, and hydrengeas. Our hydrengeas are still sleeping in our garden. a couple of more month they will all come out.
    Lovely blog!!

    Julie xx

  5. hi loretta,,love your blog,,your home decor and all your pretty items ,,,wish i could find a marble top dining table too,,,your shop is truly of luck to you and your lovely mother,,lucy

  6. Loretta, your garden is just lovely! Hydrangeas and roses are also my favorites!

  7. So many beautiful flowers... I love the hydrangeas.. my fave! Your chandelier is to die for. LOVING THAT BIG TIME. Thanks for sharing all these lovely pictures.

  8. Hi Loretta, your garden is amazing! I am so jealous, I have such a hard time going anything,Christie
