
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where does the time go???

This week has been passing me by, how did it already get to Thursday? I missed my White Wednesday post, but this next week, I have a good one for you! I promise, lots of eye candy!
Speaking of candy, I am taking most of the day off today to celebrate by oldest sons birthday. Now entering the TEENage years, it seems like time keeps passing me by, and in a blink of an eye he went from that adorable two year old, with little hands and little toes, to a wonderful young man, that is taller than me, and his feet are bigger than mine. 

Make a wish......this is your special day!

Happy Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday to your "little man"! And by the way, in case you never noticed, he looks EXACTLY like you!

    Take care, Sue

  2. Happy Birthday to your son! They grow up so fast! My oldest daughter just turned 13, too. It's so hard for me to believe that in five short years she will be an adult!
    Have a wonderful day celebrating!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  3. Hi Loretta, I am a new follower and I love to see personal posts, it gives me such an insight of who the blogger is. Your son is so handsome!
    I have 2 girls and I am really trying hard to enjoy every moment of my 10yo "baby" since I also have a 27yo and the years flew by so fast.

    You have a beautiful blog, you are very talented!

  4. Time flies! Happy Birthday to your son! By the way, I absolutely LOVE your header photos, in case I haven't told you!
