
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

White Wednesday....

Thank you for joining me this White Wednesday 
hosted by Kathleen at the 

I am a little late today with the posting, 
but I just wanted to wish everyone a 

Happy Thanksgiving
I was going to a blog post on some new items for my home I just purchased, but I didn't get a chance to because I was in the ER with my son last night. I guess with 3 boys I will never get a break, yes it was my son that broke his ankle this past February, well he broke his collar bone yesterday.
And so now I am nurse mom once again, I have to tell you, for the past 5 years one of my boys have broken something. I am constantly with one kid in a cast!

 I am going to keep them wrapped up in bubble for the rest of the year!
Here are some pictures of the store yesterday, 
I brought in some new inventory. 
So here is my White room....

See you soon!!!


  1. Everything is gorgeous!

    Ouch a broken collar bone sounds horrible! As a mom of 3 boys myself, I feel your pain. My oldest son broke his ankle snowboarding when he was 11. My middle son broke BOTH arms at once after he climbed onto the roof of my SUV and fell off so he had both arms in casts! My youngest never broke anything but he split his chin open, got stitches then split it open again a few days after the stitches were removed. Good times! I hope your little guy feels better soon and have a happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh Loretta,
    Poor kid! I know what you mean though, I have two boys and they are wild. Someone's hurt every other day! Luckily that haven't broken anything yet, but they are still young! Lot's of bumps and head gashes though.
    I hope your son is on the mend soon!!
    Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. OMGosh! Why is it that things like this always happens right around the Holidays? I think it is a conspiracy to make us even more nuts than we already are! Your post is lovely...and prayers for a fast healing- Diana

  4. If it makes you feel any better, Bryce was born with a broken collar bone! Guess his shoulders were too big coming out. Went to his first doctor's appointment and the doc saw it, said it would heal itself. Then the doc had me hold Bryce up in a standing position. Then he pee'd on me! Boys, I am glad I have my two girls. Hope your son recovers quickly!!

    Take care, Sue

  5. I know how you feel. That nursemaid thing isn't any fun. My son is walking again and never did need a cast since he had the steel plate with srews inside.

    It will get better.....but I guess you already know that, huh.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  6. your store looks amazing! I love that soft blue color on the wall, do you what color it is? Would love to know!

  7. Goodness I hope your son is feeling better!

    Lovely, lovely photos!!
