
Monday, October 25, 2010

Rogers Gardens.... A Holiday Oasis is waiting for you!

I can't remember the last time we had so much gloom and rain here... I love the weather, I'm not complaining, it makes me want to stay home and curl up under a blanket, browse through my many magazines, and do absolutely nothing...
Painting furniture was put on hold for the week, it was to damp, and rainy. So I decided to venture out and take 1 day off this week. I found myself wandering through Rogers Gardens, in Newport Beach.
I don't get to come here often, but every time I do, I get inspired! Join me on my tour today....
Through the beautiful topiary arches...
They have the most beautiful displays for Fall, Halloween, and Christmas.
English statuary, white hydrengeas, and maiden hair fern make the perfect display.

 I know it seems early for Xmas trees. But these live beautiful Silver Nobles make me want to pull out the decorations.

These cute hand carved teak pumpkin heads would be perfect in the yard or on the front porch...

Good Day!


  1. Loretta- What a beautiful place to visit! I'm glad you did the tour to share with us. I absolutely love that last pumkin. What talent! I wonder if those are upholstery thumb tacks or something similar? Great post- Diana

  2. I love Roger's Garden, I too never get down there enough. The minute you enter Rogers Garden it is as if you have been transformed to a quaint garden far far away and into a peaceful sanctuary. Thanks for posting the incredible pictures.

  3. I need to get down there. Their decorator shops at our store. All the industrial stuff in Halloween display came from CR. He gave us an invite for the opening of the Halloween night but of course, we never got down there. Actually, he was just in on Saturday shopping for more Christmas stuff. Said he would send us another invite. Maybe this time, I can go check everything out. Thanks for the great pictures.

    Take care, Sue

  4. I live so close and have never been! My husband is off work next week so I'm for sure dragging him there, it looks amazing!

  5. Oh wow! All those topiaries. Id be in &th heaven.Fiona

  6. Ok..this place looks amazing! What a place to get inspired thats for sure! I think I need to come visit here some time...Thanks for sharing these photos! I found you off of Faded Charms white glad I did! :)

  7. Dear Loretta, thank you for taking us on this delightful tour of this amazing place... I could wander endlessly through the displays just soaking it all in and being inspired! *swooning*

    Dawn... The Bohemian
