
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

White Wednesday at Hearst Castle

Once the home of William Randolph Hearst, California State Parks strives to keep the estate looking like a private residence. The tours take the visitor back into time through the interpretation of a combination of many aspects regarding the estate, including William Randolph Hearst and his family, and the collection, architecture, gardens and lifestyle at the Castle. Formal guide training is an integral aspect of Hearst Castle. Castle tour guides are initially trained a total of 168 hours with additional in-service training and ongoing independent study between tours, resulting in a high quality interpretive experience for all who visit "The Enchanted Hill."
I took some photos while on tour, we were on the garden and pools tour.
Such spectacular views, although the bus ride up the hill, was extremely frightening! There are about 5 different tours I believe, but if you ever have a chance to go, definately worth it!

The long drive home, down the coast........ I didn't mind!
Happy White Wednesday.


  1. I've always wanted to go on a tour there. Not sure why I never did. Guess there was always so much going on, never made the time. Thanks for the pictures. They are beautiful just as that drive down the coast is! One of my fav's!!

    Take care, Sue

  2. I visited there once when I was a kid. I had forgotten how beautiful it was! Thanks for sharing your photos with us.
    Happy WW!
    ~ Jo :)

  3. That is absolutely beautiful. The pools are incredible. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous place with us. Sherry

  4. Hi Loretta!!
    Such beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing:) Come to visit my blog.
    Hugs, Biljana

  5. This place looks gorgeous and I love castles! Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!
    Happy WW!

  6. I have been wanting to visit there again! I love the indoor pool!
    Thanks for the tour! karen...

  7. Oh, how beautiful and I love your blog!
    I am signing up to follow!
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Hi Loretta;

    Thank you for becoming one of my followers....right back at you! Your blog is just beautiful! Isn't San Simeon and Cambria "eye-candy"?.....I feel privileged to live in this area.

  9. Wow I would love to visit there. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing.

